Industry introduction
Career pathways
college experiences
Company experiences
Employability skills
Training Pathways

Construction & Trades

In Rhode Island

Industry Introduction

Welcome to Construction & Trades in Rhode Island. If you want a complete introduction to this industry in Rhode Island and to learn more about what projects are happening in the state right now, as well as  what you could be working on in the near future, this programme is for you.

20% complete

Virtual Reality
available on this course


Building a Green Future for Rhode Island


Building a Green Future for Rhode Island


Building a Green Future for Rhode Island


Building a Green Future for Rhode Island


Building a Green Future for Rhode Island


Building a Green Future for Rhode Island

Career pathways

You’re familiar with the industry - and you want to get involved. But would you prefer to work a regular 9-5, or flextime? Do you want to be on the coast, or in the city? Part of a large team, or leading a large team?

In short, if you’re going to to get to work, which job is going to work for you? Stepping into a career is a huge decision, and these career pathways are here to make sure that you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into. You’ll figure out exactly what these professionals do day to day, what projects they work on, and what they have to say about their own roles.

Pathway locked

Complete industry introduction 
before you progress

Quality managers

Quality managers coordinate many other professionals and activities so that the finished construction project meets the set quality standards. Find out where they work and every aspect of the role in this Pathway.


Steelworkers construct, install, and repair steel structures for commercial and industrial purposes. Find out where they work and every aspect of the role in this Pathway.


Carpenters construct furniture and fittings, perform repairs and renewals along with helping other trades with woodworking projects. Find out where they work and every aspect of the role in this Pathway.


Electricians install, troubleshoot, repair and conduct tests on electrical systems. Find out where they work and every aspect of the role in this Pathway.


Welders use electricity and torches to produce heat and solder together components made from steel, titanium, copper, and other metals. Find out where they work and every aspect of the role in this Pathway.

College experiences

Depending on the pathway you choose for yourself, you might need some additional training - but we’ve got you covered.

Below, you can learn more about the educational institutions and the courses they offer.

Pathway locked

Complete industry introduction 
before you progress

MotoRing Technical Training Institute

Mechanics and Repair Major

MotoRing Technical Training Institute

Electrician Major

New England Institute of Technology

Mechanical Engineering

Roger Williams University

Construction Management

Brown University

Engineering & Physics

Company experiences

Have you set your sights on a specific Construction and Trades company? Or perhaps you’re figuring out which of the major state players fits best with what you want out of working life?

You’ll come away from our company work experiences as a company expert, having networked with professionals in a variety of departments, taken part in real activities as you would on site, and planned any next steps you’d like to take with the company.

Pathway locked

Complete industry introduction 
before you progress

Suffolk Construction Company

New England Construction

PCL Construction

Employability Skills

Having the right experience and clear goals will go some way to making you employable, but the rest comes down to employability skills. Employability skills are the soft skills you’ll use in pretty much any career, like teamwork and communication; you can adapt them to whichever situation you find yourself in. They also give you a much better idea of what to expect from being in a job, and how you can prevent stress by being prepared.

Pathway locked

Complete industry introduction 
before you progress


This course is designed to show you exactly what benefits having a strong
team will bring to your workplace or place of study, how to build one,
and how to be part of one.


This course we’ll be covering verbal, nonverbal, visual and written communication,
and maybe most importantly, the art of listening. Let’s dive in.

Project Management

This course will take you through project management methodologies that will help you throughout your career and impress employers.


Whether you’re already a resilient person, or would love to have more ‘bounceback’ - this course will help you strengthen your resilience.

Writing a Cover Letter

In our Cover Letter short course, we’ll provide a template to give you guidance on how to fill out each section.

Digital Skills

In this course, you’ll get to know how to make online tools like Gmail, Skype, Google Docs, Excel, Zoom, Drive, Twitter, Facebook (and the rest!) work for you.

Training pathways

Depending on the pathway you choose for yourself, you might need some additional training - but we’ve got you covered.

Below, you can learn more about the educational institutions and the courses they offer.

Pathway locked

Complete industry introduction 
before you progress

MotoRing Technical Training 3

Electrician Major

MotoRing Technical Training 2

Electrician Major

MotoRing Technical Training 1

Electrician Major
